
Beer Pairing Fun: Your Guide To Pairing Craft Beer With Your Meals

Pairing wine with food is an art form to many people, but what about pairing craft beer with food? More than $100 billion is spent on beer every year in the United States, and nearly $20 billion of it is spent on craft beer, so why not enjoy it to its fullest? Get the most out of your beer by pairing it with foods that will enhance the flavor of both your beer and your meal.

How To Buy, Store And Cook Alaskan Spot Prawns

Alaska is known for its delicious seafood that ranges from King Crab to flavorful spot prawns. For those not in the know, spot prawns is another name for shrimp, but spot prawns aren't your ordinary shrimp – although, they are sometimes referred to as spot shrimp. These amazing shrimp (Pandalus platyceros) can reach sizes of up to 12 inches and are only found in the waters up the California coast to the Alaskan Aleutian Islands and in the Korean Strait and the Sea of Japan.

Drink, Be Merry And Healthy: 5 Health Benefits Of Craft Beer

In the United States, there are now more than 2,500 breweries producing a diverse range of products. The United States now has the most operating breweries since Prohibition, and the numbers continue to rise. Despite the social nature of beer drinking, some people still believe that this popular drink is entirely unhealthy, but the facts may surprise you. Learn more about five of the health benefits that your next glass of beer could offer.